Thursday, March 10, 2016

3/10- Another historic day- Here comes rain

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be a stunner once again. In fact, there are some signs that it could be even warmer than yesterday. Personally, I doubt it, simply because of the extensive cloud cover, but we will certainly get to 70!! Yesterday, BDL got to a whopping 81, which breaks the record for the earliest 80 degree day ever recorded by over two weeks! That said, tomorrow is going to be a warm but wet day, as a backdoor cold front stalls over the region, before ultimately retreating back north and giving us yet another week of warmth (but often wet) weather next week. Beyond that, winter seems it has one last hurrah the week after that with some extremely late but clear snow threats before spring fully arrives for good right around Easter Sunday, which falls two weeks from Sunday.

Today in weather history- March 10, 1888- A storm develops in the southeast rather harmlessly, but this marks the beginning of the single most severe snowstorm to ever strike New England, the Great Blizzard of 1888. For this 128th anniversary, I will be posting about each individual day of the storm tomorrow as the storm lasts from the 11th to the 14th here, with snowfall totals so large that we will probably not see again in our fact, since that time, the only storm that comes even close is the Great Blizzard of 2013.

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