Friday, March 18, 2016

3/18- SEVERE STORM WATCH- Storm A Bit Less Likely...


Unfortunately for snow lovers (and forecasters), things got significantly more complicated overnight as the Euro adjusted east by about 75 miles. This isn't really too much of a problem for Boston's forecast. is a problem for ours, as the 15" that it has dropped on the previous model runs were cut in half, while the NAM came into range presenting a yesterday's Euro-esque solution, with which the CMC agrees. Both of which drop about 18" of snow on Connecticut as a statewide what's the bottom line? How much we are going to see is less than certain at this time. For now, then, I'll go with the ol' standby and cut the middle by conservatively forecasting 6-12". This is largely aligned with the Euro on the lower scale (A Euro event would be 4-8") and the CMC (Which forecasts totals higher than my range).

Expect Winter Storm Watches to be issued this afternoon or tonight as we will be within 48 hours of the storm's onset!

This event is more important than any weather in past years on this date, so just spend today thinking about the snow! For those wondering, by the way, I am not convinced this is our last threat either. The end of the month is looking interesting as well.

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