Wednesday, March 30, 2016

3/30- STORM WATCH- Really, just really?

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be a very nice day as a general rule- highs will be in the high 50s and bright sunshine will prevail, though temps this morning are in fact a touch below average. Tomorrow will be even better, but winds and clouds will be on the increase tomorrow until a heavy rainstorm moves in for Friday, with between 0.25 and 0.75" of rain as a general rule. The weekend looks absolutely freezing, as we are heading for near record territory. Highs on Sunday will be hard pressed to reach 45, with snow likely, yes snow, on April 2nd! It just gets more ridiculous though- we may not get to even 40 on Monday...before a setup on Tuesday bears watching.

On Tuesday, a clipper system will be moving through the region with either rain, or snow. At the's likely to be snow across at least northern Connecticut. Normally, a clipper is not a big deal, but this one is trying to "bomb out" off the coast. If this occurs, a late season heavy accumulation of snow would cross at least parts of Connecticut. See below...
^ The 0z GFS showing about 4-8" of snow for northern Connecticut Tuesday.

Although this result would be extreme, there is some support from other models, so it bears watching!

Today in weather history- March 30, 1977- Hartford's warmest March day on record occurs, as the mercury soars to 87. Ironically...there would be a large snowstorm on May 12(!!) that same year.

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