Thursday, March 3, 2016

3/3- NO snow tonight, big warm up ahead and a look back on the Winter of 2015-16

Hello everyone-

This is a very late post but I want to say a few things tonight-

First off- NO SNOW TONIGHT...unless you are going to Cape Cod...but the storm will miss to our south by a smidge. Almost literally.

Also, a warmup is coming! We will very likely be near or even above 70 by this time next week. That long that lasts is up in the air.

That said...with no true snow threats in sight through the 20th at least...I am ready to declare the end of the snowy season for 2015-16. Here's a look at where numbers stand.

For Hartford, this year has missed tying 2001-02 for the warmest on record by all of 0.1 degree. Additionally...snowfall was just 17.1", which is just slightly more than the least snowy on record (which was 1936-37 with 14.2"). Oddly, however, Bridgeport received nearly 8" more...a touch over 2ft (most of which fell on either January 23 from Blizzard Anna or February 5 from Winter Storm Barbara), which is actually above average for the season.

All in all, though, it has been one of the less impactful winters in recent memory, though I doubt many are complaining (I am though!)

Oh well...hopefully La Nina will help us out next year.

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