Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3/29- The Blustry Day

Good Tuesday all-

A WIND ADVISORY is up for all of Connecticut until 6PM tonight.

Wow is it windy today! Winds are gusting to as much as 50mph across the state, and we can expect this to continue through much of the day today. Thankfully, no precipitation will add insult to injury, so expect highs in the 50s, partly cloudy skies and extreme wind- so bundle up like it is February as it will feel that way! A warm up is on the way for the next few days- we should reach the 60s tomorrow and Thursday. Sadly, Friday looks like a total washout as a very slow moving powerful cold front stalls right over Connecticut- up to an inch of rain is not impossible as we head through that timespan. By the weekend, though, we really feel the effects of that front- highs will be stuck in the low 40s or high 30s, and it will probably even snow on Sunday as a clipper moves through the region! Although it's almost certainly not going to accumulate, it's still a bit of a shock to see snow on April 3rd!

Today in weather history- March 29, 1945- Providence, RI reaches 90 degrees, marking the earliest 90 degree day for anyone in New England, making this the warmest March day in history for our region.

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