Wednesday, March 16, 2016

3/16- STORM WATCH- Tstorms Tomorrow, Jog West Rescues Storm Threat

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be pretty nice, but thunderstorms are possible tonight, yet they are even more likely tomorrow. That said, today the SPC has placed us in a SEE TEXT risk of severe weather for the first time this year, so it's certainly worth keeping eyes to the skies this afternoon. By Friday, I expect these showers to turn to flurries, and flakes will likely fly all the way to the shoreline.

Yeah, everyone wants to know about the weekend threat, alright alright I'm getting there...

After being a bit too far east yesterday morning, the afternoon model runs came back west significantly enough to crush Cape Cod...and easily far enough to warrant keeping the storm watch around for another day. At the moment, the favored path looks to be a few miles SE of the 40/70 benchmark, however...the ensembles believe that the storm will be right over that point. If that happens, it would deal a late season crushing blow to New England and (potentially) the biggest snowstorm of the entire season. That would be something, wouldn't it? As I type this, the morning model run is coming in showing another jog west- the furthest so far- and it drops several inches of snow on Connecticut. Ooh boy...

Today in weather history- March 16, 1942- Somehow, Baldwin, MS is hit by two tornadoes in a 24 minute timespan. That's really, really hard to do, since tornadoes are rare enough as it is!

March 16, 1986- A small tornado very nearly strikes Disneyland in California- a place very rarely impacted by tornadoes. In fact, Disney World in Florida is far more likely to get struck by a tornado than this!

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