Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11/19- Could it be a warm up?

Good Wednesday all-

And once again there is really not going to be a long post today. All I can really talk about is temperatures but there is a significant warm-up on the way so, even though it is absolutely freezing this morning (I had a temperature of 19 at my house), it will get better. In fact, it may reach 60 on Sunday before we get the cold front that will bring it down into the 40s once more around Wednesday, but a massive rainstorm is possible on Wednesday with an inch or more of rain looking possible, but this is far from agreed upon in the fickle computer model world, so let's keep our fingers crossed- that would be utterly miserable for people trying to travel somewhere for the turkey day holiday.

In the Atlantic- No development anytime soon

In the Pacific- A low 550 miles south of Manzanillo has a brief window to develop today and tomorrow before shear becomes unfavorable, though there is a pretty decent chance it will indeed develop.

12 days to the end of hurricane season.

Today in weather history- November 19, 1981- A foot of snow falls on the twin cities, which is not unusual in and of itself, but because it was the wet kind, the roof of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, home of the Twins and Vikings, collapses.

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