Friday, November 7, 2014

11/7- Nice weekend, but here comes the cold!

Happy Friday everyone- we made it!!

Today is going to be a predominantly cloudy day, as yesterday's storm moves out to the northeast (dumping northern Maine with several inches of snow in the process). This cloud cover, though, kept the lows from dropping too far, but will also prevent highs from getting out of the low 50s today. The two weekend days look extremely similar with predominantly sunny skies and temperatures in the high 40s/low 50s range. An early look at next week shows us having a close encounter with a storm system midweek, but if it produces precipitation here, it'll be rain. After that, the weather will likely turn unbelievably cold for mid-November, and many areas (if not most) will not get out of the 30s by Thursday, perhaps. To make matters worse (and this is very early speculation here), we could be looking at overnight lows in the high teens pretty much statewide. On the positive note, the high pressure required to keep cold air of this magnitude in place will likely preclude any storm chance over the region.

In the Atlantic- No development anytime soon

In the Pacific- A low off the Mexican coast, believe it or not, is probably going to become Tropical Storm Winnie in the next week or so, climbing this season even higher up the all time most active list.

Today in weather history- November 7, 2012- An early season nor'easter slams Southern New England with as much as a foot of snow and gusty wind. The storm comes just a week after Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey, and it causes snow all the way down to the Jersey coast, significantly delaying recovery efforts. This is also the first storm ever named by the Weather Channel, as they dubbed it "Winter Storm Athena". 

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