Saturday, November 22, 2014

Is a Thanksgiving Travel Nightmare Unfolding?

Hey everyone-

Here's the latest on the potential winter storm on Weds/Thurs of next week. There are two distinct model camps for this one still. The GFS looked like it was caving to the Euro last night, but it's back out to sea this morning. The problem that I am faced with is that the Euro not only stayed with a hit...but made it a significantly bigger hit...and if it pans out just a bit colder would be a brutal, brutal snowstorm for many people in our area, featuring blizzard conditions and several feet of snow, since the model is showing almost two inches of liquid precipitation. As it is now, it's more of a wintry mess, with probably 3-6" of slushy snow and rain. UGH! This is the main frustration of being a weatherman...and it can be really painful sometimes. You have a forecast that people are going to be asking you for all week, and all I can really honestly say with confidence is "There will be a storm nearby, but it might rain, snow, a mixture of both, or be sunny". All we can do is wait and see. I was watching the news this morning and one channel said they think the storm will miss. I don't ordinarily comment on this...but that seems utterly insane to say at this stage when the most accurate computer model shows a direct hit. Granted, there are more models out to sea to our south, but only just barely to our south, and the Euro was the one that accurately portrayed Hurricane Sandy a week out. Play the waiting game here, but if you are traveling late Wednesday or thanksgiving morning, I'd have a backup plan in mind should we get clobbered by this storm.

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