Friday, November 14, 2014


Alright- it seems the verdict is in for Monday

And it's rain. The bottom line is that there is likely to be a significant rainstorm on Monday. Sure, there may be some mixing in the overnight hours, but it shouldn't be a big deal for anybody. It could certainly have been we can take a sigh of relief that it isn't a full snowstorm. The other ideas for the next week remain icy cold weather. It seems we finally turn off the nor'easter machine for a week or so, but it appears that a massive storm could be very close by very near thanksgiving. In fact, the GFS is forecasting a huge snowstorm for the Wednesday before thanksgiving. There is obviously tons of time for that to change, but can you imagine what a nightmare that would be for traveling? I think that most people would rather have the storm, if there has to be one, to be on turkey day itself (including me, quite honestly).

My computer is being much nicer to me now so...

A delayed "Today in weather history" for you- November 14, 1999- Tropical Storm Lenny forms in the Caribbean, and begins it's track...eastward. Lenny would rapidly intensify to a 155mph category 4 storm, just one mph shy of being the first November cat 5. Ultimately, 17 people are killed by the storm and $686 million in damage is caused by the storm. The name would be retired and replaced with "Lee" in 2005, which was used for a weak tropical storm that year, and used again in 2011, which hit Louisiana and caused massive flooding and over a billion dollars in damage.

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