Thursday, November 20, 2014

11/20- Dozer weather

Good Thursday all-

Well, I shan't bore you with any long technical discussion, but simply give you an update on the few "trouble dates" in the forecast and give you an early forecast for turkey day!

Monday: A storm moves far to our west, but still gives us a fair amount of rain, let's say between 0.5" and 0.75" with locally as much as 1" for now.

Wednesday: The coastal storm misses, but a cold front should still provide mixed precip

Thanksgiving Day: Moderate snow. There could be accumulations here as a clipper system moves through...that would be quite the thanksgiving gift...we'll see what happens!

In the Atlantic & Pacific- No development occurred with the system yesterday, nor is any expected anytime soon. 10 days until the end of the hurricane season.

Today in weather history- November 20, 2014- Well, I hardly ever do this, but it's worth it. Two to three more feet of snow are expected south of Buffalo today, which could in some areas push total 48 hour snowfall to over one hundred inches! I don't think it can be argued that this deserves mention here since this would be nearly unprecedented for Buffalo, even with how used to snow they are.

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