Monday, November 3, 2014

11/3- It's cold!

Good Monday all

Well, I had my first flakes Saturday night here in Wallingford, there were some flakes clearly visible on car windshields when I woke up yesterday morning. Anyway, let's talk about what this week has in store shall we? First, an overview...

Today- Mostly sunny, highs in the 50s

Tomorrow (election day), and Wednesday- Partly cloudy with highs in the low 60s!! Enjoy it!

Thursday- Increasing clouds with rain developing. Highs in the 50s

Friday- Pouring rain! The true clunker of the week. Highs in the 50s

Saturday- AM flurries or showers, but I think flurries more likely. Highs in the high 40s/low 50s

Sunday- Partly cloudy, especially in the afternoon. Highs in the low 50s.

Alright, so now an explanation. The next few days look to be very nice due to a pretty nice change in the jet stream to our north, allowing that southern air to come up to find us. By Thursday, though, a low pressure system will pass north of the region, which actually keeps us warm, but it doesn't change a full day of heavy precipitation- it'll be rain instead of snow, though, until it may end as some flakes on Saturday morning. The next potential for significant snow appears to be a week from today.

In the Atlantic- No development anytime soon

In the Pacific- Category 2 Hurricane Vance, with its' 105mph winds, is located 505 miles southwest of Manzanillo, Mexico, and it may impact the Mexican coast just south of the Baja later this week. With the formation of Vance, by the way, this becomes the third most active season on record in the Pacific basin.

Today in weather history- November 3, 1961- In what can only be described as a bizarre meteorological occurrence, since thunderstorms are formed by the heat of the day the majority of the time, but not always, a thunderstorm along a cold front in Casper, WY contains snow instead of rain.

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