Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Hello everyone-

Well, today's computer model runs are in and, if you like snow, it hasn't gone well for you. For now, all major computer models are indicating a storm track pretty much right over our head, which would deliver us a brief burst of snow at the onset before a torrential rainstorm with the temps at around 38, which would be absolutely miserable indeed. Despite that, the rain itself would have sufficient totals to merit a storm advisory of its' own right, so the storm watch shall remain for the time being. It also appears that tomorrow night's flurries are trying to be a bit more than that, and I may have to give my first accumulation and school impacts map tomorrow morning. We'll see- but I quite honestly can't see it being too much of an accumulation. It's one of those deals where if everything goes absolutely, 100% perfect (the top 10% of possibilities), it would still only be a 3-5, with locally 6" in the higher elevations deal. My early call for tomorrow night is only a coating to 2", with some in the higher elevations getting 3". This is much more than I was expecting at noon, however, so it could be rather interesting to see the overnight model runs tonight.

Talk to you all in the morning!!!

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