Wednesday, November 5, 2014

11/5- Here comes the rain...

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be a very nice day, with temps in the mid 60s, albeit with increasing clouds the longer we go through the afternoon. I'm afraid to say, however, that tomorrow is a total washout with pouring rain and decreasing temperatures as a cold front moves through the region. Saturday looks absolutely frigid, and most areas won't even get near 50, and some cooler spots may be trapped in the upper 30s in the Litchfield hills. Otherwise, normal weather prevails, and there is no precipitation threat anytime soon after tomorrow, so it'll be a rather boring week of weather for me, sadly, but very good news for the majority of you.

In the Atlantic- There is a low that has a minuscule chance of become Subtropical Storm Isaiah, but I would be very surprised, and it would have to be today or tomorrow, decreasing the odds further.

In the Pacific- Vance has weakened to a tropical depression just before landfall in Mexico, but this is going to join up with the system that is going to dump us with the heavy rain tomorrow, increasing the amount we'll get here in New England.

Today in weather history- November 5, 1894- A blizzard on Election Day crushes New England, dropping a foot of snow in the area and producing 60 mph winds in Rhode Island.

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