Friday, March 13, 2015

3/13- From beautiful today to an absolute nightmare tomorrow


Today is going to be fantastic- it'll feel like mother nature is celebrating the weekend as well as the temps will climb into the mid-40s today with bright sunshine. The big problem is tomorrow. If you have any outdoor plans...well kiss them goodbye as it's going to absolutely pour all day tomorrow with temps probably not reaching much higher than 40. UGH. By the time the storm ends late tomorrow night, 0.8-1.5" of rain will have fallen across the state, which is very unfortunate indeed! Some lingering flurries will be around on Sunday, but they won't be a big deal at all. The main stories next week are going to be colder temperatures...especially around Wednesday...and the chance of a blockbuster snowstorm around a week from today as two storms attempt to phase...but we can't say with any certainty whatsoever that they will do so a week out.

Today in weather history- March 13, 1888- The Great Blizzard of 1888 finally begins to wind down across New England. The snow slowly starts to get lighter, and comes to a stop early the following morning. The jackpot in Connecticut- a whopping 55" in Middletown. This storm even to this day is absolutely unrivaled in terms of intensity (winds gusted to near hurricane force), duration (nearly three days), and snow totals. For comparison, 2013's blizzard jackpot zone (Hamden) was 40" or so. Imagine another 15" on top of that. Then you'd have the Blizzard of 1888. It is an event that probably only happens in our region once every 200-300 years, and we have to remember just how remarkable it was.

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