Saturday, March 14, 2015

3/14- Total loss today, better but not perfect tomorrow

Good Saturday all-

I'm blogging this morning because we're under an alert this morning. Firstly, a FREEZING RAIN ADVISORY is up for northern CT. To be honest, I'm quite surprised there aren't flood warnings...and to be honest there probably should please expect some minor flooding today because of the snowmelt as well as just a large amount of rain. Basically, the timing of this could not be worse, as it's literally going to pour all day today- the rain will stop around 8 tonight, after sunset. On the positive note, tomorrow looks fine, though a few flurries may be around during the day. Otherwise, the only day of concern is Friday. The Euro is showing two storms phasing over the central part of the country and effecting us, while the GFS totally misses the connection. I'm not even going to try to predict the impacts of the storm if it does phase other than saying it would either be tons of rain...tons of snow...or moderate amounts of both.

Enjoy your weekend, and stay dry!

By the way, happy Ultimate Pi day, 3/14/15! It really doesn't get better than this for math geeks today, so eat some pie today to celebrate! Granted, if you're a chemistry geek, you'll be celebrating like this on 6/02/22, but still will be off by a number at the end.

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