Saturday, March 7, 2015

3/7- The nor'easter train rolls on...

Good Saturday everyone-

Well, today is going to be very nice indeed, but the problems are far from gone, as multiple snow threats exist in the next week, one of which I'm far more concerned about than others. They are quite far off though other than a possible flurry today or especially tomorrow, and temps will be rather chilly both days. The first big storm threat is Wednesday, but there just isn't much cold air in place whatsoever, and for that to be wintry, it needs to "make it's own" cold air, which is very, very tough. It's more likely that the storm will either totally miss...or be primarily rain. I'm much more concerned about next Saturday, as that could be a classic snowstorm for Connecticut, but we're obviously way too far out for anything more than to note a threat sometime around next weekend.

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