Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3/17- STORM WATCH- Back to winter- major snowstorm Friday/Saturday?

Good Tuesday all- Happy St Patrick's Day!

Well, it's raining out there this morning, which is somewhat unexpected as warm fronts don't necessarily produce this kind of organized precip, but it happens from time to time, so to say that I'm stunned wouldn't really make much sense. Anyway, an arctic cold front moves through tonight with some flurries, which helps to set the stage for Friday.

The CMC and Euro models both show a major snowstorm for Friday afternoon. A nor'easter is going to develop off the coast and so, obviously, there's quite a significant threat anytime this happens. The question is what's going to happen with the path. The CMC would be a wintry mix on the shoreline, but an epic spring shocker inland...while the Euro would be a 4-8" or 5-10" snowfall for everyone- more of a moderate snowstorm than the CMC event is (which would probably put out a foot of snow in places). The GFS is just a glancing blow, however...that model is notorious for being too far southeast with storms...so I'm actually more concerned that it's southeast as it typically trends northwest about 2 days before the storm (tomorrow afternoon).

Also, as amazing as it sounds, I do not believe Friday's storm is a last hurrah of winter either. I think there could be as many as three or four more snowstorms we have to get through before the winter goes bye-bye for good. All I can say is remember 4/1/97 and (even worse) 4/6/95- it is possible, just difficult. I'm officially dreaming of a white Easter, however.

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