Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3/24- Not much to say

Good Tuesday all-

Well, I'm not going to bore you by typing, essentially, exactly the same thing I typed yesterday. The one thing that has changed is that it now looks like we may squeeze out a dry Thursday morning, but undoubtedly it's going to pour (and I mean pour) Thursday afternoon and evening. There is also a risk of a light snow event on Monday as a clipper moves through, but it would be like 1-3" or so...and I'm not concerned about that so far out. Otherwise, temps will moderate after today (when we likely won't reach 40).

Today in weather history- March 24, 1912- A monster snowstorm drops 25" of snow in Kansas City, MO in just 24 hours. What makes this remarkable is that it's not just the biggest snowstorm on record for that region, but it's nearly double the second place storm!

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