Saturday, March 28, 2015

3/28- A light to moderate snowfall today

Good Saturday all-

I don't normally update on weekends, but an accumulating late-season snowfall means you get a post! Snow will be breaking out late this morning and it's going to snow most of the afternoon today, but it won't be particularly heavy...and the roads are unlikely to be too bad. That said...on grassy surfaces...some areas will receive 2" of snow. In of Windham County could get as much as 4" (or for that matter, so could anyone else if the heavier band moves further east than currently forecasted). Someone today will likely be surprised, as is the nature with Norlun troughs. I can think of a few situations where numbers were completely off, both high and low. I'll explore some of these examples on Monday...but not today, as I don't want to throw focus off what will happen this afternoon.

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