Friday, January 29, 2016

1/29- A touch of snow


Today is going to be near 40, but snowy at times as a clipper system interacts with a coastal storm well off the coast. The result is one of those "Norlun Troughs", which could enhance snowfall rates a fair bit. In fact, it wouldn't shock me if someone saw upwards of 2-3" of snow today...but that's probably as high as we can get because there simply is not all that much moisture to work with. Unfortunately, that can be enough to snarl the roads. The weekend looks pretty warm and dry. Next week, however, looks truly spectacularly warm with highs solidly in the 50s...but with pouring rain on Wednesday. Sadly, the fun cannot last because after next week...the winter really begins in earnest perhaps with much of February looking rather snowy at this time.

Today in weather history- January 29, 1780- The temperature in Hartford drops to an absolutely ridiculous -20, which would be the all-time record low if records were kept back then. That said, it causes New York Harbor to completely freeze over for over a month...and thick enough to allow a cannon to be dragged across it to Staten Island by British troops fighting in the Revolutionary War!

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