Thursday, December 11, 2014

12/11- Some snow!

Good Thursday all-

Well, some of us are waking up to snow this morning, and it's causing some schools in northern CT to delay this morning, which include Winchester, Bristol, Waterbury, etc. Fortunately, the snow won't have much of an impact in southern Connecticut, and therefore I don't expect delays to be declared for any areas where they haven't been already. Moving forward from today, the weather looks downright pleasant for most of the next 7 days. The exception to this rule is Wednesday, which appears similar to today with some snow around as a clipper system moves through. The next two chances for a major snowstorm appear to be a week from Saturday and Christmas Day (!), so those days are worth watching, but we are obviously miles too far out to predict anything at all in regards to these (I won't even guess on Saturday until Wednesday!)

Today in weather history- December 11, 1985- For the first time since February 2, 1939, Phoenix, AZ records 0.1" of snow!!! This was thanks to a massive trough which dug down and caused record lows among many locations in the Rocky Mountains and southwest. Parts of Wyoming went down to -25! Yikes! Certainly not something you see everyday, and memorable when you do!

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