Friday, December 12, 2014

12/12- Two chances for a white christmas


Well, today is going to be the nicest day in quite some time. which isn't really saying much though. It'll be mostly cloudy today, certainly, but it is likely to remain primarily dry. Fortunately, there really are no major storms in sight. A clipper system for the middle of next week is worth watching (primarily just to make sure it doesn't develop off the coast, which has caused the majority of the unexpected snowstorms over the years), but is unlikely to have much of an impact. Otherwise, we can expect quiet weather with sunny skies and temps in the 40s literally every single day for the next week or more.

There are two chances for a White Christmas this year, with one coming a week from tomorrow and the other coming on Christmas Day (!). The first appears to be trending towards rain for the moment, but it's so far out there's really no point in even trying to forecast what it will be. My belief is that the one for Christmas Day is more likely to be significant, but it's 13 days away, so I won't even begin to forecast for that one!

Today in weather history- December 12, 2010- The weight of snow on the roof of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis (then the home of the Vikings), causes it to collapse, causing severe damage to the stadium, forcing the postponement of the game, which would later be played in Detroit. At the time, who would have guessed that that kind of thing would happen in our backyard just over a month later?

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