Saturday, December 6, 2014


Happy weekend!

I'll write a brief update here with the latest on the storm next week. It's going to be rain. That's the bottom line...for Tuesday. The problem that I'm facing now is that the storm looks like it may stick around...all week! In fact, all computer models now change precipitation over to snow Wednesday, and feature a light but steady snow for three full days, which could result in a decent accumulation if that came to pass. Either way, keep this in mind- this is a true storm to remember with the rain. It's one of the more powerful nor'easters you can get, as a phase will capture the storm south of the region, and the low will likely pass either directly over or just east of us. Too early for me to predict any specific accumulations upon the flip-back, but it shouldn't be more than 6" or so.

I'll update again tonight.

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