Thursday, December 4, 2014


Good evening everyone-

Well, we know one more thing tonight than we did yesterday. There is going to be a huge storm nearby early next week for sure. The GFS shifted so far west that it almost mimics the Euro now. The timing is also pretty likely going to be Monday afternoon through early Wednesday, thanks to the Greenland block being in place during this period, causing a slow-moving storm. The question now becomes precip type. I have to lean towards rain or a wintry mix at the current time, but if it was snow, it would be an epic storm with several feet (and it could be quite memorable even as modeled- it's a true monster setup). For now, I'll say heavy rain, with sleet mixing in during the storm at times. Northern Connecticut, though, could be in for quite a snowstorm. Someone in New England may well be measuring in feet early next week...we'll see who, if anyone, that is later. Enjoy your weekend.


Odds of 2+" of rain- 60%

Odds of 3+" of snow- 35%

Odds of 6+" of snow- 25%

Odds of one foot of snow- 25%

Odds of two feet of snow- 10%

Odds of more than two feet of snow- 5%

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