Saturday, December 27, 2014

Brief Update

Alright, let's update the storm watch for next weekend.

Wave good-bye to the snow risk that it presented. Literally, it looks completely identical to the storm we had on Christmas Eve, as in 2-3" of rain and very strong wind. It's not that there isn't cold air around, but the track of the low is absolutely killing our snow chances so far this winter. Hopefully that changes, or snow lovers will be suffering a great deal this year. As it stands, there's going to be temps in the high 50s again with torrential rain next Saturday so, although it isn't exactly going to be pleasant, it'll be far less impactful than a giant there's always that.

Snow lovers, however, should take solace in the fact that we are barely a week into winter. I promise there will be at least one big snowstorm this year, there always is. You just will have to wait a bit longer.

Talk to you tomorrow with more on the storm watch, which will remain due to the fact there certainly is a greater than 25% chance of 2+" of rain. In fact, it's probably darn near 50% at the moment.

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