Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Good Wednesday all

First off, happy Christmas Eve to everyone, and an early merry Christmas to all who celebrate the next two days. Now, on to what you really want to know if you visited this page- the weather!

Today is going to be a total nightmare. I'm dreaming of a wet and warm Christmas! A flood watch has been issued for the northern counties, but honestly should have been issued for everyone. The rain that started lightly this morning will gradually pick up in intensity throughout the day until it is absolutely pouring by later tonight. The storm will sadly stick around all night tonight, and it will likely still be pouring when we open presents tomorrow morning. When all is said and done, 2-3" of rain are likely, with locally higher amounts in the heavier downpours. Yikes.

The first part of the weekend looks good, but the second half is likely going to be threatened. The first part of Sunday, I'm not too concerned about. What I am concerned about is literally anywhere between Sunday afternoon and when the ball drops on Wednesday night. Somewhere in this time frame, a large coastal low will develop, and with very cold air in place over us, it could lead to a rather large snowstorm for all of Connecticut right down to the shoreline early next week...but the timing is ridiculously uncertain, (The Euro says late Sunday/Monday, and the GFS says Wednesday into Thursday)! Here's what I think it is though...I don't think this is the same storm. Thus, there are two storm threats next my STORM WATCH is doubly issued from 12 PM Sunday to 8 PM Monday, and 7 PM Tuesday to the drop of the ball on Wednesday night.

My thoughts and prayers to those effected by the tornadoes yesterday in Mississippi and Louisiana.

Today in weather history- December 24, 2004- Victoria, Texas, of all places, gets lucky when a rare snow event develops in South Texas, coating the ground and giving them their first White Christmas in eighty-six years (that's the first since 1918!!!)

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