Tuesday, December 30, 2014

12/30- Cold for a while, then ice!

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be quite similar to tomorrow in that both days are going to be clear...but very, very cold I'm afraid. Today will be slightly better I think as we will likely at least reach the freezing mark, whereas tomorrow we might not only not get there, but most spots will be hard pressed to get out of the twenties. Lows both nights will be in the low to mid teens, so the revelers in Times Square tomorrow night better bundle up- it will be far from comfortable!! Once we get through New Year's, the attention shifts to the weekend storm.

The STORM WATCH for SNOW AND ICING is from 5 PM Saturday to 11 AM Sunday. In a rather interesting turn of events, the Euro and GFS flip-flopped last night, with the GFS now showing a chilly solution and the Euro in the Lakes. Obviously, we'll continue to see this for several more days as the models try to hone in on a solution, though I'll target New Year's Day (Thursday) for my final forecast on this thing. For now, expect a moderate icing or snow event on Saturday night as the cold air will likely be locked in place long enough to cause trouble.

Today in weather history- December 30, 2003- Las Vegas, Nevada receives 1-4" of snow as a low moves through the region, the first time in five years Las Vegas picked up the flakes. Why did I choose this event today? Because this event will be repeated tomorrow, and that region is now under a Winter Storm Warning!

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