Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12/17- Where did the storm go?

Good Wednesday all-

First things first- the storm watch is done, not because it is going out to sea, but more because it simply won't exist at all. Sure the models had been trending weaker, but it's highly unusual for a storm that was rather significant just a few days ago to mysteriously disappear just two days later. Otherwise, dry conditions with highs in the 40s are likely until Christmas Eve, when a storm is brewing, but it's way too early to tell what it is going to be, though early indications suggest it may be rain, but I certainly wouldn't bank on that a week out.

Today in weather history- December 17, 2008- In a true meteorological anomaly, Las Vegas, NV somehow manages to receive 3.6" of snow, closing the local highways and schools. This was the biggest snowfall in the area since 1979...when 7.5" of snow somehow managed to fall on the area (I'd love to see weather maps from that day!)

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