Tuesday, December 16, 2014

12/16- Singing in the rain

Good Tuesday all-

Unfortunately, here comes some rain. The storm will begin late this afternoon with scattered showers and flurries, but the brunt of the storm will come through overnight while we sleep, so it shouldn't be too impactful of an event. Sure there may be some icy patches tomorrow morning, but I really am not too concerned about it. Otherwise, my forecast from yesterday holds. The storm watch for Sunday will remain in place today due to the uncertainty of the forecast, though it appears to be a weaker system than originally believed, and it may not be enough to warrant such an alert. Nevertheless, I'll hold it as a safeguard in case something changes today.

Today in weather history- December 16, 1811- New Madrid, MO is rocked by one of the worst, if not the worst, earthquake in US history. The quake is estimated to have measured stronger than 8 on the Richter Scale, and rang church bells as far away as Charleston, SC- and even caused the Mississippi River to run in reverse for a time. Fortunately, nobody is hurt because it occurs over a very sparsely populated area at the time. Such an event would be far more impactful in the modern world.

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