Friday, December 19, 2014

12/19- Boring Xmas approach, xmas eve is awful!


Well, unfortunately for many, it's a pretty good bet that those dreaming of a White Christmas will not be getting their wish this year, but those dreaming of a wet Christmas (I doubt that's anyone) likely will. The weather until Christmas Eve looks tranquil with very little precipitation and highs in the 40s each day. Wednesday's storm looks extremely wet. My early call would be 2-4" of rain with temps as high as 60 and thunderstorms...not exactly the kind of storm anyone wants on Christmas Eve. Before my snow lovers go crying out the door this morning, though, it is important to note that this storm will flip the pattern to very, very cold, and with a negative NAO developing, it is likely that a very snowy January is on the way, and the forecast all autumn has been a tranquil December followed by a snowy 3 month period at the start of 2015. Remember, no snow fell in 2010-11 until December 26, but it was followed by the snowiest January on record, and second snowiest winter on record in Connecticut. I most certainly am not expecting that extreme, but it would be fun to see that happen! Either way, winter doesn't even start until Sunday, so relax, I promise there will be at least one or two big storms this year!

Today in weather history- December 19, 1967- Somehow, Flagstaff, AZ manages to get two snowstorms in less than a week...that are so extreme that eighty-six inches of snow covered the ground on this date! That means that both storms dropped about as much snow as 2013's Blizzard Charlotte did here in southern Connecticut. Yikes!

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