Wednesday, January 27, 2016

1/27- Sleepy weather

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be just fine (although some models indicate some scattered snow flurries are possible this morning), with temperatures in the mid-40s with sunshine most of the day. In fact, of the next 7 days, all but one are dry...with the only possible precipitation occurring on Friday, when a period of light snow is possible from a clipper system. The end result of that will be nothing more than a nuisance...with maybe an inch of snow in the unluckier areas. I do not believe it will have an impact on schools though, especially considering what we've had to deal with the last several winters here in Connecticut. Warm temperatures will also prevail- we'll be looking at 50 degree weather a few times in the early portions of next week!

Today in weather history- January 27, 1989- Alaska gets absolutely frozen thanks to a low pressure system sending air in from the arctic circle. The town of Fairbanks does not even get above -40...for the sixth consecutive day. Most remarkable though is that Tanana, AK drops to -76, with wind chill values below -100(!!). That, my friends, is cold- even for Alaska!!

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