Tuesday, January 5, 2016

1/5- STORM WATCH...but...Not concerned about much soon

Good Tuesday all-

Well, the good news for most people is that I'm much less concerned about snow in the next week, as it seems most models have backed off on the cold air, which means the precipitation would be rain instead of snow. The biggest concern in the forecast is Friday night and Saturday, which likely would feature snow...and sleet...and freezing rain...yeah not good. In fact...it could be extremely similar to what we had on 12/29, so it will cause a mess...but we'll be hard pressed to get much accumulation. Additionally, Monday seems to be pretty firmly entrenched as a rain event...so although I am keeping the storm watch to be safe...it's entirely possible that I will be dropping it tomorrow because I frankly just don't see much happening on Monday. Another storm potential lies mid-week next week...but that's so far out it's not even worth discussing at this time.

Today in weather history- January 5, 1988- In a pretty rare event, a strong thunderstorm with snow as the precipitation (at nearly 4-5"/hr) helps Highmarket, NY receive an incredible 69" of snow. By comparison, that's about 3 feet more than we got on 2/8/13...and if that doesn't tell you how extreme the storm was...nothing will.

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