Monday, January 4, 2016

1/4- STORM WATCH- Saturday snow, Monday trouble?

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be the coldest day of the season so far, with temps in the low to mid-20s for highs. about painful. Sadly, there really isn't relief in sight, and temps will be below average for pretty much all of the next week, but fortunately with very little precipitation.

The fun really begins on Saturday morning though as a coastal low and an inside running storm tries to transfer its' energy off the shoreline. There are significant questions remaining, and everything between heavy rain and one foot of snow remains on the table. Additionally, there are VERY serious concerns about a monster (and I mean a monster) snowstorm a week from today...but we'll cross that bridge when we get there...though I will be in Louisiana for that one. Gr.

Today in weather history- January 4, 1989- A large storm off the mid-Atlantic drops a foot of snow on West Virginia...but causes blustery winds and frigid temps in New England. The top of Mt. Washington drops to -30...with winds of 136mph- which would cause a wind chill of -90. Yikes- that's cold!

I will have the latest on the Saturday storm and the Monday nor'easter tomorrow. Nothing to be too concerned with yet, but worth keeping our eyes on as time goes by this week.

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