Thursday, January 28, 2016

1/28- Nice today, snow tomorrow

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be a very typical late January day- temps will be in the mid to upper 30s with bright sunshine for the most part, though a few clouds are possible, especially in the afternoon. Tomorrow, a burst of light snow is possible, but it should not cause much of an issue on the roads except for briefly reduced visibility- it simply will not be heavy enough to accumulate.

The weekend and the first few days of next week look fine, but somewhere around Wednesday we'll be dealing with the dreaded inside runner, which will probably deposit one to two inches of rain- always unpleasant. This, however, is a storm that will probably change the pattern, and the rest of February (although it's early to know for certain) looks cold and snowy.

Today in weather history- January 28, 1922- The legendary "knickerbocker" storm drops a whopping 28" of snow on Washington, DC, immoblizing the entire city. Tragically, it obtained its' nickname because the theater of the same name had its' roof collapse on an audience full of people, killing 96.

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