Thursday, January 7, 2016

1/7- Dreadful weekend coming

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be easily the best day of the last several as the weather will remain clear today with warmer temperatures- approaching 40, which is very near the average for this time of the year. Tomorrow will be even better, but unfortunately your fun ends there.

As I get set to go to New Orleans for the 2016 AMS conference, I will be trying to fly out in freezing rain...which I am sure could be an adventure with flight delays. Fortunately for me, it won't be particularly I'll probably get out at some point. Sunday looks even worse, with great warmth but with a torrential rainstorm- 1-2" of rain will fall and wash away any of the snow we have left on the ground. The only day next week that could be snowy is Wednesday, and that looks fairly likely. Unfortunately, since I'll be in Louisiana...I can't blog about it! :(.

Another storm looks to come on or around MLK day, but that's way off and anything can (and probably will) happen.

Tomorrow will be my last blog post until MLK day barring a storm that I will be in Louisiana without my computer until Saturday the 16th.

Today in weather history- January 7, 1996- The Great Blizzard of '96 winds down, having dropped as much as 4ft of snow on West Virginia, and 33" on the Litchfield hills of Connecticut. A remarkable storm to say the least for pretty much all of the mid-Atlantic and northeast.

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