Thursday, January 1, 2015

1/1- January starts cold, wet, and snowy

Good Thursday all-

Happy 2015!! May it produce exciting weather events for me to blog about!

Today is going to be a very, very cold day much like the last two with temps again struggling to reach the low 30s. The same goes for tomorrow and Saturday, but we'll likely be on a slight warming trend until then. Saturday night, heavy snow will develop over the state, but it will likely change over very quickly on the shoreline to rain, but 2-5" of snow are possible inland before it changes over to freezing rain- ouch- and then regular rain as the temps soar to the 50s on Sunday.Beyond that, the temps fall like a rock, setting the stage for a very strong clipper system to move through on Tuesday bringing a moderate to heavy snowfall for everyone. An early estimation would be a 3-6" type deal, but it's very early and lots could change, but I doubt it'll get lower simply because it'll be so cold it's impossible for it to be anything except snow. How cold? I doubt temps will reach 30 from Tuesday until at least the weekend after next.

Today in weather history- January 1, 1985- Lower Michigan is clobbered by a severe ice storm that drops, incredibly, one inch of freezing rain on the region, causing numerous downed trees and power lines, and kills 3 people, injures 8 more, and causing a total of $50 million in damage.

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