Thursday, January 29, 2015

1/29- STORM WATCH- Let the model battles begin again in 3...2...1...

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be a rather mundane day in the weather department, since there is really not much to discuss. Sure, it'll be cold (it's -3 in Danbury this morning), but that should warm up a fair bit today. Will we get to freezing though? I doubt it. Later tonight, snow moves in- it won't be much, maybe an inch or two- but that will still likely snarl up the roads a bit for the morning commute tomorrow. Saturday looks dry as well, but Sunday night into Monday does not.

The model debate now begins. The GFS and Canadian models are showing a rather major nor'easter (especially the CMC, which drops nearly a foot of the white stuff on Connecticut with strong wind), whereas the Euro shows a miss to the south. The trend has been more west, however, as all models were south yesterday. There is still a 1 in 4 chance of 4", so the storm watch remains another day. It's time to wait and see. I know plenty of people have parties on Sunday night for the Super Bowl, so this is a highly significant forecast. I'd keep an eye on it- the last thing you want is to be driving home in a big snowstorm! The next name on WFSB's name list is Darius, by the way.

Today in weather history- January 29, 1922- Somehow, the high temperature in LA manages to only get to 42!!! That is their lowest high temperature on record (unsurprisingly)

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