Wednesday, January 21, 2015

1/21- The first major snowstorm?

Good Wednesday all-

Well, the snow is finally on the way. Firstly, tonight could include a coating to an inch of snow as a clipper system moves through. It's important to note that this clipper will rapidly intensify off the coast and probably come about 30-50 miles of being a large snowstorm for us. That shows just how close you can be without getting anything significant.

For now, though, the tables appear to be flipped for Saturday. Most computer models are agreeing on a large snowy nor'easter coming up the coast and passing perhaps either over or just southeast of the 40/70 benchmark. In such a scenario...depending on how close it comes to that fabled place, some areas could see the dreaded (or loved, depending on your point of view) double digit snowfall this weekend...especially since the Euro (which showed a lot of mixing yesterday) now shows all snow. The 6z GFS backed off significantly on the snowfall, but the 6z is not a run I put a lot of stock in (the models, for whatever reason, are far more reliable at 0z (midnight) and 12z (noon). Sunday looks alright for now, but another large snowstorm is quite possible Monday night and Tuesday. Let's get through the weekend storm first, however.

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