Friday, January 16, 2015

1/16- A turn to flakes soon?- STORM WATCH


Today and tomorrow, the weather will be thoroughly boring for me, which is good news for you! Sure it'll be cold, but that's about all I can complain about. Sunny skies will prevail, and the wind should be rather weak. The big trouble spot of the upcoming few days is Sunday, which will include rain turning to an icy mix overnight, snarling up those who do have work on Monday morning (which likely isn't very many people at all). Beyond that, Tuesday looks good but then...

By mid-week next week, we run into trouble potentially. All eyes turn to a clipper system that appears to track to our south...that leads to a large question mark for us. These type of clippers have the tendency to rapidly intensify once they get off the Jersey coast, and the GFS is suggesting a rather large snowstorm for the middle of next week (Along the order of 5-10" statewide), while the Euro takes too long for the storm to intensify...but then brings a more classic nor'easter a few days after that. That said, I believe there is about a 20-25% chance of a 4+ inch snowfall Wednesday...thus I'll be conservative and storm watch it even though it may be a bit excessive at the current time. That means you'll get evening updates and an update on the weekend mornings...which I certainly feel the situation warrants at this time. Additionally, most computer models have been showing a shift to very snowy weather around a week from today...and lasting through most of February.

Today in weather history- January 16, 2009- Maine sets its' all time record low temperature in the northwestern part of Aroostook County, breaking an 84-year record set in Van Buren of -48 in 1925

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