Monday, January 19, 2015

1/19- Icy!

Good Monday all-

Well, first things first, the storm watch is dropped, as there does not appear to be any significant storm threat anytime soon. The problem however is that a significant amount of ice remains on the roadways this morning after yesterday's unexpectedly severe ice storm, and since temps dropped below freezing overnight, it's just a real bad situation, so stay off the roads this morning until 11 or so if you can. Otherwise, expect a mostly sunny day with highs in the 30s, which will repeat itself tomorrow. I do expect some light snow to be around on Wednesday, but there really is no appreciable snow threats anytime soon, nor is there anything too dramatic in terms of temps, so my post will be cut short here. Happy MLK day!

Today in weather history- January 19, 1786- Somehow, Hartford, CT drops all the way down to -24, the lowest recorded ever on a thermometer at that time. We're no stranger to below 0 temps here, but we are to ones that are that low!!

On another note, congrats to Patriots fans on their AFC championship. Enjoy the Super Bowl!

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