Friday, January 2, 2015

1/2- Finally, here comes winter

Happy FRIDAY everyone- we made it! (Although many people probably wish it wasn't Friday this time ;) )

Well, there really is not much change in the forecast whatsoever from last night. The general 1-4" snowfall should do for tomorrow, but I think the storm is coming a bit earlier (It may start as early as 4-5), and I think most people will end up on the low end of that snowfall range. I am far more concerned about the freezing rain, which should start around 6 and continue most of Saturday night, especially in the hills of northwestern New Haven County (Wolcott-Middlebury-Naugatuck) and the Litchfield hills. The storm will then transition to rain, and ruin everyone's Sunday with torrential downpours at times. Yuck!

Tuesday's storm is really going to all come down to how strong the storm gets off the coast. Right now, it shouldn't be too severe, with maybe 2-4" or 3-6" for most people according to the GFS, and 1-3" on the Euro. I have a more detailed look last night, and I stand by what I said then, so check out my old blog post from last evening for a closer look. Regardless of what happens, the end of next week looks positively frigid, with temps in the teens and low 20s as highs and lows comfortably in the single digits...yikes!

Today in weather history- January 2, 2014- In a highly unusual event, Winter Storm Bethany drops significant snows over our region, with 5-10" in most of the region, with Guilford and Milford among the highest totals. Why is this unusual? Because temperatures were near zero throughout the storm, causing this amount to fall with very little precipitation involved (In the meteorological world, we call this QPF).

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