Friday, January 9, 2015

1/9- Snow Day for most

Happy FRIDAY everyone- and the first day of the weekend for most of the area, as the majority of school districts in Connecticut are closed.

What happened? Well, nothing too unexpected in terms of the weather itself. I thought that schools would be delayed this morning, but didn't think it would be necessary to close, but I was incorrect because the timing of the snow was just perfect, and the delay would have actually caused busses to drive in the height of the storm. Thus, I believe that closing schools was very likely the right call for most of our area. My apologies, however, to the readers in New Haven...tough to not get anything from this one. Overall, I still expect 1-4" of snow for everyone, with far more people near the 1" than the 4".

Anyway, there really is no forecast change for next week, and there may be several more snow days coming up (Tuesday is likely to be a snow day at the moment, and I'm certainly watching Thursday afternoon and Friday!)

Today in weather history- January 9, 1949- Somehow, someway, a trace of snow falls in San Diego, the only time this has ever happened in recorded history.

Also, January 9, 2000- It does not snow in Houghton, MI...for the first time since November 17!!!! That's fifty-three consecutive days with snow!!

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