Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12/1- Hello Winter

Good Tuesday all, and welcome to the holiday season!

Today is going to be downright miserable. Some areas in the Litchfield hills have experienced freezing rain this morning, and schools in Litchfield have recorded their first delay of the 2015-16 school year. Thankfully, the icing threat is rather low elsewhere, but still please be a bit more careful than usual this morning. Sadly, the weather won't improve as a major rainstorm is on the way for today...tomorrow...and Thursday. Thursday bears a bit more watching...as it could end as some snow on the back end...which could maybe accumulate to an inch in unlucky areas, so it should be noted here. Additionally...a shift of the low's center to the east by about 50 miles...would have dramatic impacts on our weather...so it should be noted here. The weekend looks dry, as does the early part of next week. Beyond that...there are some signs of a pattern change and a coastal low...but it's far too early for details...or even to know if it will happen at all.

Today is the first day of meteorological winter. The hurricane season update will now be replaced by a discussion on when the next snow could fall...or noting that no snow is likely anytime soon.

In terms of snow...I am closely watching Thursday as our low departs, winds will shift to the northeast and send the temps below freezing with precip on the way out, possibly changing it to snow. Additionally, a 50 mile shift to the east of the path of the low...could yield something more significant...but that's unlikely given that the event is less than 48 hours away.

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