Friday, December 4, 2015

12/4- STORM WATCH- Big coastal storm, big questions


Today- and the entire weekend- is going to be exceedingly nice for early December- temps will be near 50 with sunshine...enjoy it. The early part of next week looks quiet...but I am getting a tad more concerned about a coastal storm for Wednesday.

A major nor'easter is going to develop and move northward. At the moment...models are tending to bring it just east of the 40/70, sparing us the worst impacts. One model, however, develops what's called a 'norlun trough' and deposits as much as half a foot of snow on Connecticut next Wednesday. If the storm is further west, it could be much more...but it could also easily (and possibly even likely) be rain as temps would be just a smidge too warm for snow- a 35 degree rain would result...ouch- I think most people would rather have it snow, to be honest.

Regardless, the odds of 4"+ of snow is roughly I'll issue the storm watch to be conservative as I don't update on weekends usually, but this will give me the ability to in case I see something change.

The next chance for significant snow is- Wednesday 12/9- 20%

Today in weather history- December 4, 1786- If you think today's weather is bad, New Haven, CT receives a whopping 20" of snow...a top 10 snowstorm for them had records been kept back then. The swath of 18+" of snow stretches all the way to Morristown, NJ- a classic nor'easter

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