Thursday, December 17, 2015

12/17- Christmas surprise? Wet week

Good Thursday all-

Today is my final wish me luck!

I'll be taking it in rather miserable weather, unfortunately, because rain will be the featured weather today, and that is never a pleasant experience. Additionally, temps will not be exactly warm...but they won't be too cold, so at least there's that. The weekend looks downright cold- we may even see- get this- AVERAGE TEMPERATURES!!!! Snow flurries are also a distinct possibility as we head into Saturday but Sunday looks dry, the early parts of next week look wet, especially Christmas Eve, which looks to be a total washout. Christmas itself is suddenly extraordinarily difficult forecast as a cold front is knocking on our doorstep. One model...the says that we're going to have AM rain...followed by very chilly afternoon temperatures and snow flurries...while the Euro says we'll be in the mid-60s. Lovely. That is the joy of being a forecaster!

There are major signs of a significant storm falling on or around New Years' Eve. Exactly what that will's too early to know.

One week from today is Christmas Eve. Two weeks from today is New Years' Eve.

Today in weather history- December 17, 2008- Las Vegas, NV is put into total shock as four inches of snow fall on the strip, their biggest snowfall since 1979, when, and I don't know how, they got nearly eight inches.

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